Digital Primitives at Levontin 7

Digital Primitives – Assif Tsahar, Cooper Moore, Chad Taylor

Can you feel the ground tremble? The Digital Primitives have landed in Israel and played their first gig last night at Levontin 7 in Tel Aviv. Cooper Moore and Chad Taylor started off light with a gentle rhythm, flying through an open blue sky, then Assif came in on his sax, their sounds and rhythms merging into something different, mysterious, dark, then opening up again to reveal the light hidden within. From a growling, street prowling groove, a tangle of urban tension to a moving tribute to Billie Holiday with Taylor on percussion, his touch capturing spirits in the air, to cool jazzy almost pop moments – wandering free through the music and taking the audience with them – it was that kind of night – a beautiful gift.

When Cooper Moore closed with a song – I’m so happy to be alive – everyone wanted to join in.

The good news – this was just the first of three performances in Israel. Catch up with the Digital Primitives: Wednesday, February 9, 2011 at Levontin 7, Tel Aviv.  03-5605084,

Thursday, February 10, Ra’anana Municipal Music Center, 2Aleph HaPalmach Street. 09-7464036


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