Midnight East Oracle: April 27 – May 7, 2011


ACTIVISM – April 29 at 11:00 People will gather to create a giant circle around Kikar Dizengof – to protest the current look of the square and in the hope of bringing the square back to life.


IMMRAC (Israel Marine Mammal Research & Assistance Center) will hold their monthly meeting in Jaffa Port at 14:00, in conjunction with the Dolphin exhibit in Warehouse 2. Interested in learning more or volunteering? Come to the meeting!

April 30 – Meet on the corner of Rothschild and Sheinkin at 10:30 to march for equality and social justice.

Hadar Green/Photo: Ayelet Dekel

MUSIC – Tonight – Zeev Tene at the Zimmer, 5 Hagdud Haivri Street, Tel Aviv at 21:00; Hadar Green, Yael Kraus and guest Tamar Eisenman – Free concert at the Container, Jaffa Port. Sometime around 22:00…
April 28 – Yemen Blues at Zappa TLV, 21:00; Mark Rashkow Blues Band at Shablul Jazz, 21:00 (doors open at 20:00); Magical Guitar Moments with Yoram Zarviv, Oscar Sher & Sasha Pompian, 21:00, Mitzpe Ramon Jazz Club

April 29 & 30 – Yaarot Menashe Festival – read more about it! And watch the preparations for the festival to put you in the mood:


April 30 – Saxophonist Arik Livnat presents “Lev Ohev” (loving heart), a musical show for children with an array of wind instruments at the Shablul Jazz Club, 11:00 (doors open at 10:30).
May 5 – Trio Mondrian at the Einav Cultural Center at 20:30.
May 7 – Mojave3 at the Barby in Tel Aviv, doors open 21:30; Sunbeat Festival at Horshata, near Tivon.

Yuval Yairi, Hanging Roy (Lichtenstein) 2010

ART – April 28 – “Work” – The Israel Museum Renewal Project, a solo exhibit by Yuval Yairi will open at Zemack Contemporary Art Gallery.

May 3 – “I Met Lost Men” a solo exhibit by Anat Bader will open at the Pil Bar, 31 Hahashmal Street, Tel Aviv. Ines Lorca will perform at the opening event.

ONGOING Shibboleth exhibit at Jaffa Port thru May 1st; Rappaport Prize winners Sharon Poliakine and Oren Eliav at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art; 6th Ceramics Biennale at the Eretz Israel Museum; William Kentridge: Five Themes at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem through June 18, 2011 – which should give visitors the opportunity to see this fascinating exhibit several times. The intersection of the different media – animated films, drawings, prints, theatre models, sculptures and books in an excellently designed exhibit offers an opportunity to engage with the work of South African artist William Kentridge.

DANCE – The Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company premieres “Bein Kodesh leHol” by Rami Be’er, April 28 – May 1, 2011 at the Suzanne Dellal Centre.

April 28 – Arkadi Zaides “Quiet” at Tmuna Theatre, 20:00; Ronit Ziv “With Subtitles” at 21:00 in the Yaron Yerushalmi Hall, Suzanne Dellal Centre.
April 29 – Celebrating India in Israel begins with a Bollywood Dance workshop with dancer/choreographer Gilles Chuyen at noon in the Suzanne Dellal Centre courtyard – FREE!

Four Men, Alice, Bach and the Deer” at 21:00, at the Inbal Multicultural Ethnic Center, tickets: 03-5166333. Also on April 30th – an intelligent, funny and emotionally eviscerating look at contemporary “man”  choreographed by Yossi Berg & Oded Graf.

May 2 & 3 – Aditi Mangaldas Company will perform Uncharted Seas at the Suzanne Dellal Centre at 21:00.
May 5 – 7 – Batsheva Ensemble performs “Illustrations” at the Suzanne Dellal Centre.
May 5 & 6 – The Nrityagram Dance Ensemble will perform excerpts from a decade of dance works at the Suzanne Dellal Centre, May 5th at 21:00 and May 6th at 12:00 (noon).

Barak Marshall's Rooster

May 7 – Barak Marshall’s Rooster returns to Suzanne Dellal at 21:00 – Marshall’s energetic, comic and sensual choreography tells the surreal story of one man’s search for love.

Hanoch Levin's Les Souffrances de Job, directed by Laurent Brethome

THEATRE – May 2 – 4 – “Les Souffrances de Job” by Hanoch Levin (Job’s Passion), directed by Laurent Berthome at the Cameri Theatre in Tel Aviv.

FILMCelebrating India in Israel – film festival at the Tel Aviv, Jerusalem & Haifa Cinematheques, read more about it…

Secret Tel Aviv is a  terrific group on facebook where everyone can share their favorite things to do and places to go in the city Midnight East loves – Tel Aviv.

*Unless otherwise noted, events take place in Hebrew
Barby, 56 Kibbutz Galuyot Street, Tel Aviv
The Beat Club, 124 Sderot Hanassi, Haifa, 04-8107107
Beit Tami, Shenkin Garden aka 16 Merkaz Ba’alei Hamelacha Street, Tel Aviv
Cameri Theatre, 19 Shaul Hamelech Boulevard, Tel Aviv, 03-6060960
Chelouche Gallery for Contemporary Art, 4 Mazeh Street, Tel Aviv
Design Museum,  8 Pinhas Eilon Street, Holon, 073-2151515
Einav Cultural Center, 71 Ibn Gvirol Street, Tel Aviv, 03-5466228
Eretz Israel Museum, 2 Haim Levanon Street, Tel Aviv, 03-6415244
Haifa Cinematheque, 142 Sderot HaNasi, Haifa, 04-8104299/302
Hakatze, 4 Shushan Street, Jerusalem
Hasimta Theatre, 8 Mazal Dagim Alley, Old City of Jaffa, 03-6812126
Hateiva, 19 Jerusalem Boulevard, Hatzrot Yafo, Jaffa (parking level), 03-6822403
Herzliya Cinematheque, 29 Sokolov Street Herzliya, 09-9513361
Herzliya Museum of Art, 4 Habanim Street, Herzliya, 09-9551011
Holon Cinematheque, 6 Golda Meir Street, 03-5021555
Holon Theatre, 11 Kugel Street, Holon, 03-5023019
Inbal Multicultural Ethnic Center, 6 Yehieli Street, Neve Tzedek, Tel Aviv. 03-5166333
The Israel Museum, Ruppin Boulevard (near the Knesset), Jerusalem, 02-6708811
The Israeli Museum of Caricature and Comics, 61 Weizmann Street, Holon,  03- 6521849
Jerusalem Cinematheque, 11 Hebron Road, Jerusalem, 02- 5654356
Khan Theatre, 2 David Remez Street, Jerusalem, 02-6303600
Levontin 7, Tel Aviv, 03-5605084
Mamuta, El-Dan House, Habikur Stairs, 58 – Ein Karem, Jerusalem, 02-774310485
Mann Auditorium, 1 Hoberman Street, Tel Aviv, 03-5289163
Mishkenot Sha’ananim, Jerusalem, 02-6292212
Mitzpe Ramon Jazz Club is located in the Darkei Habsamim neighborhood, on 8/2 Har Boker Street. For additional information call: 050-5265628        Moadon HaBeat,
Nahmani Hall, 4 Nahmani Street, Tel Aviv
Pub Hapara, Moshav Shavei Zion, 04-9525250
Ra’anana Performing Arts Centre, 2A HaPalmach Street, Ra’anana, 09- 9457773
Reading 3, 3 Hata’arucha Street, Tel Aviv, 03-7624000
Rosh Pina Cinematheque, 32 David Shuv Street, Rosh Pina, 04-6801453
Rothschild Fine Art Gallery, 140 Rothschild Blvd., Tel Aviv, 077/5020484
Sderot Cinematheque, 4 HaDekel Street, Sderot, 08-6849695
Suzanne Dellal Centre, 5 Yehieli Street, Neve Tzedek, Tel Aviv, 03-5105656
Tel Aviv Cinematheque, 2 Sprintzak Street, Tel Aviv. 03-6060800
Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 27 Shaul Hamelech Boulevard, 03-6077020
Tmuna Theatre, 8 Soncino Street, Tel Aviv, 03-5611211
Tzavta Theatre, 30 Ibn Gvirol Street, Tel Aviv, 03-6950156/7
Uganda, 4 Aristobolus Street, Jerusalem, 02-6236087
Yafo 23 Gallery, 23 Yafo Street, Jerusalem, 02-6249367
Yellow Submarine, 13 Erkevim Street, Talpiyot Industrial Area, Jerusalem, 02-6794040
Zadik Gallery, 16 Shimon HaZadik Street, Jaffa
Zappa Herzliya, 85 Medinat Hayehudim Street, Herzliya, 03-7626666
Zappa Tel Aviv, 24 Raoul Wallenberg Street, Tel Aviv, 03-7626666