The poetry of Yehuda Amichai (May 3, 1924 – September 22, 2000) will have a theatrical performance in honor of the late poet’s 88th birthday. “Korim Li Yuda” (My Name is Yuda), a Hani Theater Production, will premiere during Book Week (Shavua Hasefer) at Tzavta Theatre on June 10th. Directed by Pnina Gerry and performed by Adi Bilsky, who previously collaborated on the award-winning “Sipur Ahava Eretz Israeli” (An Israeli Love Story), with Ishai Ben Moshe.
Amichai’s life story will be presented through his poetry, from childhood memories to tales of love and war. Shosh Reisman, the musical editor of the evening, set Amichai’s poems to music. The evening will also feature Yoni Rechter’s composition for Amichai’s “Adam Behayav” – the closing song.
Amichai is a leading figure in modern poetry, one of the best known Israeli poets, whose work has been translated into 40 languages, and over 160 of his poems have been set to music.
Links: www.tzavta.co.il; www.hanitheater.com