Holon 2011/12 Design Season Opens Tonight


The Holon 2011/12 design season opens tonught, with five galleries hosting new exhibitions throughout the city. For the third year running, the Holon municipality has decided to focus on design exhibitions in galleries throughout the city. In previous years, galleries have hosted exhibitions of fashion design, industrial design, graphic design and more.

The design season will open in the following Holon galleries tonight, September 17, at 19:30. Admission is free.

Tagit Klimor - installation

•    Meholot LeHolon (“From Sand to Holon”): Local and foreign architects, designers and artists create around the topic “sand” in preparation for the upcoming establishment of “Park HaCholot” in Holon. Beit Meirov Gallery, 31 Hertzfeld St.
•    Pass Forward: In this multiple-participant exhibition, one designer received an item upon which he based a design of his own, and so forth, in a project that goes above and beyond the confines of the original item. HaChava Gallery, the corner of HaNechoshet and HaMelacha.

Natan Alkenowich, Cold Water/Photo: Roni Shukrun

•    Zichronot Yaldut (“Childhood Memories”): Natan Alkenowich refers to his past in work that combines three dimensional canvas prints and accessories from the fashion world. Holon Theater Gallery, 11 Kugel St.

Avital Yogev - Below the Belt exhibit at the Chankin Gallery

•    Mitachat LaChagora (“Below the Belt”): Female artists and designers explore pants, an item once strictly masculine that until today retains vestiges of authority, control and exploitation. Chankin Gallery, 109 Chankin St.

Eye Level/Photo: Yachin Hirsh

•    Likro Kirot (“Reading Walls”): Hundreds of plaques and samples of wall writing from Nazi-occupied Paris track the dramatic changes that occurred in the social structure of the city between 1941 and 1945. Dov Hoz Blvd, from Ayalon Highway to Stroma Square.