Hava Lehaba – Let Us From Now On: Demonstration & Launch Party


The end of death? Hava Lehaba – Let Us From Now On – a new literary journal; will hold a demonstration on Friday, January 13, 2012 at 12:00, next to the Trumpeldor Cemetary (between Hovevei Zion and Pinsker). Organized in cooperation with the Israeli Transhumanist community, the protest will take a stand “against deathism and for life-extension.”

From the Hava Lehaba – Let Us From Now On manifesto:
We believe that radical life extension means radical life affirmation, and conversely, that the affirmation of life means the end of death. We, the living community of Israel, believe in the power of modern art and science to affirm life. We believe that there are no grounds for inter-personal or inter-national conflicts among the living. All the living have the same interest: Radical Life Extension.

Speakers at the demonstration will inlude: Jeremy Fogel, Gabriel Moked, Ido Keinan, Oded Carmeli, Sheli Chen, Michal Zecharia, Reuel Shuali, Ilia Stambler, Jonathan Levy, Yoav Ezra and Amir Menshahoff. For additional information and updates: Hava Lehaba facebook event page, and website: havalehaba.com

In the spirit of life affirmation, Let Us From Now On will hold a launch party for the journal’s first issue later the same night – Friday, January 13th at 21.30 PM, at the Milk Club, 6 Rothschild Street, Tel Aviv. 10 NIS entrance fee. Everyone – living and dead, is invited.

***UPDATE***Due to rain, the date for the protest has been pushed up a week to next Friday, January 20, 2012. The launch party will go on as planned at the Milk, 6 Rothschild Street, Tel Aviv at 21:30.