Slaughtered Cow – the satiric comedy show that has become a Jerusalem cult phenomenon – is coming to Tel Aviv with a series of performances at Tzavta, beginning Monday, January 30, 2012. Each performance will be unique and different, centered on a particular theme with materials from the 3rd and 4th seasons combined with new sketches.
Creators Yair Lehman, Inbal Lori and Eli Haviv host new actors in each program, and together they tackle the big questions of religion, faith and human weakness. The first program in the series “Slaughtered Cow Lovingly Slaughters the Holy City” will host special guests: Teddy Kollek, a cat from Kikar Hahatulot, Big Simico and several domesticated Beitar fans. A production of Incubator Theatre in collaboration with Beit Avi Chai and the Tzavta Fringe Center, tickets may be reserved online or call: 03-6950156/7.