
MOMIX - Botanica/Photo: Max Pucciariello

The MOMIX performance of Botanica at the Israeli Opera last night was a wondrous experience. Choreographed by Moses Pendleton, MOMIX Artistic director, Botanica brings the beauty, humor and magnitude of nature and its changes to the stage.

Attentive observation and affinity to the creatures, plants and elements of the planet are translated into the imagery of Botanica with precision and imagination.  As in nature, all aspects of the production work together to create the whole: wonderfully talented dancers, a terrific soundtrack, lighting, costumes, puppets and stage design.

In one of my favorite scenes, undulating glowing green lines appear in the darkness, the image multiplying and creating shapes like a kaleidoscope, birds, smiling faces and abstract shapes magically floating in space. In another scene, bird-like male dancers on roller blades convey the illusion of flight, four women with giant yellow black fans turn into sunflowers, turning and moving in the light.

MOMIX - Botanica/Photo: Max Pucciarielli

It’s an aesthetic celebration of nature: women dance like flowers, expertly manipulating their elaborate costume into myriad transformations; in another scene the dancers form an abstract design of black silhouettes against a red backdrop; white flashes against a dark stormy sky compose a dream like storm sequence.

MOMIX Tel Aviv performances are in the context of the Israeli Opera 2011 – 2012 Dance Season, and will take place June 7, 8, 9 – Tel Aviv Performing Arts Center at 21:00. Tickets: 03-6927777.

MOMIX will perform at the Israel Festival on June 10, 2012, at the Jerusalem Theatre, Sherover Hall at 21:00. Tickets” 02-6237000.

An additional performance will take place on June 11 at the Beer Sheva Performing Arts Centre at 20:30. Tickets: 08-6266400.