Environmentally Friendly Hanoch Levin @ Nissan Nativ

Hanoch Levin's The Hesitator - NIssan Nativ/Photo: Asher Svidansky
Hanoch Levin’s The Hesitator – NIssan Nativ/Photo: Asher Svidansky

Hanoch Levin’s The Hesitator will be performed by students of the Nissan Nativ Acting Studio, Tel Aviv from January 10 – 16, with a twist: admission to the play is free if you bring a used cellular phone for recycling.

Levin’s play, directed by Shimon Mimran, presents a dilemma reflecting the author’s world view, one in which all the available options are quite grim, yet somehow funny. The rather unappealing protagonist Kuklush, is searching for love, and not enamored of the women he encounters, each with her own distinctive flaws, he drifts into fantasy and indecision.

Love and sex induce equal amounts of desire and hesitation, especially with all the choices out there, but no need to hesitate with regard to the  environment – the choice is clear, reuse and recycle. Nissan Nativ Studio has teamed up with Rebeep, a company that recycles cell phones, to offer FREE ADMISSION to The Hesitator in exchange for your used cell phone. Sounds like a great idea!

Performances will take place at the Nissan Nativ Studio, 158 Herzl Street, Tel Aviv, on the following dates: January 10 – 16 (inclusive) at 20:30, 03-5182410. Tickets are 50 NIS.