BPM Mashup Competition



DJs show your stuff – BPM Sound & Music College is holding a Mashup competition! Starting on Sunday, April 21, 2013 upload your mashup magical concoctions to the BPM facebook page. The contest will run through May, 12, 2013, and the judges are: Mashup artist Noy Alooshe, the ADD team, BPM Director Idan Huna, and Yariv Etzion Head of the Electronic Music Department.

I like last year’s winner – Sleazehippie by DJ Feller. Listen here.

What, you might ask, is a mashup? Just what it sounds like: take two or more recorded songs and overlay the tracks, do it with enough creativity and skill and you will be applauded, rather than sued for copyright infringement. Be creative, be bold. As T.S. Eliot said: “Mediocre writers borrow. Great writers steal.” Same goes for musicians.

There will be many mashups, so tune in to the BPM fb page, and there will be prizes, so hey, why not try your hand at a mashup?  Need more inspiration? Here’s another one I like: DNA’s remix of Suzanne Vega’s Tom’s Diner. What are your favorite mashups?


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