Djamchid Sisters – Ta’amin Li (Believe Me)

The Djamchid Sisters/Photo courtesy of PR

The Djamchid Sisters’ Ta’amin Li (Believe Me) is a love song, gossamer fine, tender and strong. The simple clarity of strings and the delicate voices tell a tale of longing, a love song the unknown lover, that figure of desire and fantasy. It’s the voice of a woman who is not content with remaining passive, she would seek love out… if only she had a clue to go on.

“Beloved/Believe me/if I knew your name/I would ask each person his name” (very rough translation is mine)

Eden (vocals & cello) and Shay-Li (vocals & guitar) have long since made an impact on the indie scene with the quiet power of their music, releasing their first album The Djamchid Sisters in June, 2016. This lovely song is their first single – enjoy!

The Djamchid Sisters will be performing at The Zone, 13 HaRechev in Tel Aviv on March 28, 2017.