Efrat Gosh @Levontin 7 360° Piano Festival

Efrat Gosh at Levontin 7/Photo: Muperphoto

Delicate, petite, lovely, Efrat Gosh entered the room in a gold sequined dress, glittering as she moved. Asaf Meidan was at the piano, and the grand piano was in the center of the room. Levontin 7 360° Piano Festival, Thursday, April 26th, first show of the night. In the dimly lit room, she sang a song of lost love with the audience seated around her. Although she may look fragile, Efrat Gosh is a singer with powerful pipes and lively spirit. She promised the audience that the show would live up to its 360° title – and she delivered, moving and dancing around the room, and even climbing up to the second row of seats on the stage.

Efrat Gosh at Levontin 7/Photo: Muperphoto
Getting a little help with the mic cables/Photo: Muperphoto

Songs of love and longing, bright pop-infused tunes, and quiet songs; all with an intimate, cabaret feel. When she introduced the song “Dieta” as “a song that touches almost everyone,” a woman from the audience called out: “All your songs touch our hearts.”  Sensual, romantic, vulnerable and powerful, Efrat Gosh conveys a storm of emotion with her songs. Spontaneous and warm, she showered the audience with attention, sharing moments with people around the room as she sang songs from her three albums, as well as new material.

Efrat Gosh at Levontin 7/Photo: Muperphoto
Efrat Gosh at Levontin 7/Photo: Muperphoto
Asaf Meidan at the piano, Efrat Gosh -Levontin 7/Photo: Muperphoto

Coming out for an encore, she sang one of her best loved songs – Lirot et HaOr (To See The Light), with the audience softly joining in. Then she cranked the volume up with a new song, written when she was feeling low, and invited everyone to join in the vivacious self-cheer: Gosh tarimi! Ending on a high note, Efrat Gosh had everyone up on their feet and dancing for her sexy, fun, hit Ah Ah Ah Ahava. Get the feel of the night with fabulous photos by Muperphoto – Enjoy!

Efrat Gosh at Levontin 7/Photo: Muperphoto
Asaf Meidan – Levontin 7/Photo: Muperphoto
Efrat Gosh at Levontin 7/Photo: Muperphoto
Efrat Gosh at Levontin 7/Photo: Muperphoto
Efrat Gosh at Levontin 7/Photo: Muperphoto
Efrat Gosh at Levontin 7/Photo: Muperphoto
Efrat Gosh at Levontin 7/Photo: Muperphoto
Efrat Gosh at Levontin 7/Photo: Muperphoto
Efrat Gosh at Levontin 7/Photo: Muperphoto
Efrat Gosh at Levontin 7/Photo: Muperphoto
Efrat Gosh at Levontin 7/Photo: Muperphoto