Center Stage’s Rafi Poch told Midnight East:
A new group, “Shakespeare in the Rough” will be presenting one of William Shakespeare’s greatest comedies, 12th Night in Gan Hapa’amon near the Jabotinsky entrance to the park. And while this is not a CST event, we highly support and encourage it, and we are helping out with the production. Shakespeare in the park is prevalent in many major cities, and now Jerusalem is one of them.
Bring a blanket or light chair, some snacks, and have a great night out in the park. Be prepared to move with the show as the actors take you from scene to scene in the beautiful ambience of Gan Ha’pa’amon. It is going to be a night to remember!
Location: Gan Ha’pa’amon the Jabotinsky entrance, across from Cup O’ Joe.
Time: August 22nd and 23rd at 5:30 pm
Tickets: There aren’t any, just come in and join the fun. Entrance is FREE! But donations will be graciously accepted.
The drama mask image is a tatoo design by Ayemi that Midnight East thinks is really cool. Here’s the link: